Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Research

Basically i have finished my research now and i have found out a couple of suprising things, Like for example people are completely happy with their social networking site which definitley is suprising because from my piont of view a couple of sites have a few issues, like bebo which has applications which are added to your profile this creates alot of unnessacry scrolling all in aid of finding out what tree you are. Also aother suprising thing is most people have over 150 friends and more suprising a high percentage keep in contact with them all. But on the other hand i found things which are helpful to me, like security i have found out that people access their social networking site from every computer they can possibly get there hands on which means that security is going to be a main issue. From the usabilty side i have decided which navigation and layout would be best to make the users journey threw the site more enjoyable and stress free

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