Saturday, October 18, 2008

And The Survey Says

Hello Everybody, i have started researching at the moment. Im currently looking at all the social networking sites i can come across and checking the current trends. I don't want to make something like the others I'm trying to make mine as unique and user friendly as possible. 
I have made out a survey at the moment and i might as well not have bothered no one is even attempting to do it. I don't know how family fortunes managed to get people to fill out a survey every bloody week. Actually i am lying one person has filled it out but of course it was one of my friends who proceeded to take the piss out of me, which i wouldn't care about usually but i told him it was serious. Anyway I'm just going on rambling so i will leave it here and leave you with a bit of advice never do a survey because no one in their right mind is going to fill it out BOOO!! To People.

p.s More detailed research coming soon

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Journey Begins

Hello all, Welcome to my FYP idea. Well my idea is a Social Networking Website for Charity Organisations. It differs from most social networking sites because instead of being revolved around the individulal user it is revolved around Groups.  

The Site will allow the following:

  • Charity groups to organise Charity events online by notice boards and messages.
  • Users in the group to interact with each other and make new friends.
  • It will allow other charity groups to work together as a team to help raise more money.
  •  It will also allow people in the charity to interact with the people they are raising the money for in the form of messaging and video blogs.
  • It will allow users to have some fun by playing games, chatting with people uploading videos and pictures of the fundraising events.
So i hope you find my idea interesting :)